Modernizr 3.7.0
Not a full year in the making but close. Lots of new feature detects and more bugfixes then we can write down
New Feature Detect(s)
- @abrad1212 added detect for the GetBattery API #2312
- @mAiNiNfEcTiOn @Kruithne @rejas added css custom properties feature detection #2310
- @rejas added detect for font display #2323
- @rejas added test for text-decoration-skip-ink #2324
- @andreacc added detection for formNoValidate attribute on inputs #2164
- @rejas added detect for box-decoration-break #2330
- @haraldreingruber added Media Source Extension API feature dectection #2233
- @JordyvanDortmont added audio autoplay feature detect #2185
- @rejas added more tests around text decoration styling #2327
- @dutchenkoOleg added Intersection Observer API #2360
- @escodel added feature detection for navigator.connection.effectiveType #2381
- @escodel added PublicKeyCredential feature detect for webauthn #2393
- Contributions by @emilio, @rejas, @jsoref, @mhadam, @annevk, @andreacc, @steffenweber, @gregersrygg, @anenviousguest, @niksy, @mreinstein, @snout-o, @Nicholas-Eng, @nali, @chris13524 and @odysseuscm which all provided fixes for this release