Modernizr 3.8.0
The nights are getting longer, time to publish a new version of Modernizr to keep the community warm. Besides the usual new feature detects and fixes to existing ones some stuff happened under the hood too:
- First, the build process was converted over to gulp since grunt and especially the test plugins are more or less abandoned. This allows to run the tests under the latest version of node and with all the latest libraries like jquery v3.
- Secondly, for the first time we deprecated two tests:
. The former didnt provide a real value and was more like an educated guess. The touchevents-test is often misinterpreted to test if the device is capable of touch events. But Modernizr tests for browser capability and although it clearly states that even in the test, people opened bugreports once we fixed a test in v3.7.1 that corrected the behaviour in chrome (see #2408) So we decided to deprecate those tests. That means that they are not included in the default build config anymore and their source code will be removed once we have a v4 of Modernizr (whenever that is, no ETA yet)
New Feature Detect(s)
- @pascalim added support for ShadowRoot DOM api feature detect through
- @BrockBeaudry added proxy detection
- @horprogs added feature detect native lazy loading img
- @Minilfat fixed vh unit issue on ios safari / android chrome
- @theLine fixed viewport jumping when using CSS Hyphens
- @listton fixed check if userAgent is empty
- @mrcoles fixed emoji devicePixelRatio vs backingStorePixelRatio
- @foolip fixed testProps.js documentation to avoid misreading
- @DominikTrenz fixed the datachannel test on ios #2307
- Deprecate some tests
- Add new CodeOfConduct
- Use addTest for some tests like inputtypes
- Catch exception when running in headless chrome
- Issue 2343: Fix page
- Issue 2406: Update jquery
- Use gulp for the dev pipeline
- Add domPrefixesAll helper method
- Use gulp for the dev pipeline (#2429)
- Add script for serving the gh-pages (and therefore the browser tests) locally
- Update main entry in package.json
- Cleanups after switch to gulp, move some legacy files into own directory for reference, store some test files in tmp directory
- Fix typo in README, Update dependencies and gitignore
- Cleanup TODO tags, update dependencies
- Add npm shortcuts to some gulp tasks
- Check for multi-spaces with eslint, fix those and cleanup some DOCs and notes
- Add npm badge to README
- Fix double DOC entry
- Exit with non-zero status if there were failures
- Add coveralls badge